It is official..... I passed my boards and
I'm now a
licensed practical nurse!!! The joy and excitement I feel right now is so overwhelming that I cant even explain it to put into words. I started school in 2006 doing my
prerexs when I finished my
prerexs I was excited because I had made the deans list and got accepted into the
lpn program, I
couldnt have been happier!! I made it all the way to my last semester in the nursing program when I suddenly had to withdraw because my mom was getting worse with her cancer and I needed to be there for her, I
didnt regret my decision because I knew I would go back but I was sad because I had wanted to finish with my class because I had gotten close to two of the girls in my class, Kelly
Carriss and Ashley Hensley. We were each others rock all through nursing and we were always their for each other. They both
continued on and both passed which was awesome because they deserved it!! They are both successful working in two different fields Kelly at family allergy and asthma and Ashley at Bradford Square nursing home. I on the other had to go back and when I did I still
wasnt ready I
wasnt over the fact that I had lost my mother to her battle with cancer and began to have panic attacks where yet again I had to withdraw. At this point I wondered if I should continue on this journey of nursing or just give it up but yet again I pushed forward and went back and this time with help from GOD I graduated!! I
couldnt believe it... did I really just do this... is this a dream? Yes it was a dream but a dream come true that I had waited on forever. So on Jan 26, 2010 I took my boards. They make you feel like you are in prison with all the papers, finger prints, picture and palm prints. Not to mention that they video and audio record you while you take the test all the while they sit in a glass office and patrol the situation
lol. It was nerve racking to say the least!!! I felt like when I sat down and started that I
didnt know anything I
didnt feel prepared. I walked out of there feeling like a failure and then you have to wait two days scared to death to see if you passed. Its the worst feeling ever but low and behold the results were in and i had PASSED!!!
Iam so proud of myself, proud to say
Im a NURSE!!! Thanks to all who supported me. Doug you worked your butt off to support the family and I know it was hard on you but you did it and for that
Im thankful without you I
couldnt have done it! I love you Babe!!
Kell you know what you did for me to ease my mind and I will never forget that, thank you for pushing me and having faith in me knowing that I could do it, I love you and your a great friend. Ashley thank you for all the long night talks when I kept you from sleep and all the kind words you gave me and telling me I could do this. My family I thank them they were there for me as well and I love them for that!!! Man this sounds good to say....
so proud of you!!!!!!! love you