My pop... Billy Ray Sheppard born July 29. He is actually my grandpa but to us grand kids we have always called him "POP". I have never met another man quite like him and probably never will. He is my hero the one man to look up to. He has 5 children.. my mom(passed 2-22-08) Theresa Scott, Enda Sheppard, Cindy Byerly, Rene Robinson and Vanessa White. Grand kids Billy Duncan, Me, Brad Sheppard, Brittnie Bramer, Cindy White, Jennifer Scott, Amanda Scott, and Andrew Byerly. He has Several great grand kids as well, Raylee Duncan, Bailey Duncan, Kaylan Divine, Bradley Divine, Braxton Sheppard, and Ashton. That's not what makes he wonderful though hes wonderful because of how he treats people with respect and trust me the respect is returned. Hes an honest and hard working man, he always has been and I'm sure he always will be. He is always there when you need him no matter what and that again I'm sure he always will be. Anyone who has ever came to cross in his path has had nothing but nice things to say about him. I wish everyone had a pop like my family. I was actually named after him with "RAE". For a long time as a kid I hated my middle name thinking it was a guys name but now I am honored to carry that same name as him even though it is spelled the female way. As a child I would stay with him and My granny and they put me in dance classes and every time that my pop would take me to class on the way home he would stop at McDonald's and always get me a small fry and small vanilla milkshake. I thought going to McDonald's with him was the best!! I remember a few times him telling me not to tell my granny that we stopped lol. One thing about my pop is he stays out of all the family drama and never judges! My family has gotten ALOT better but sometimes we women can be hard to deal with and hes just smart enough to leave it alone. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for him in this world as I'm sure many feel the same way as I do. I dedicate this blog to him because he is a wonderful man who I wish all could meet!! I love you forever and always pop!!
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