My sisters, I have been blessed to have two sisters put into my life! Jennifer 20, and Amanda 19. Growing up as a child I never thought I was blessed to have them in my life as
I'm sure they
didn't either. I was about 8 when Jennifer was born and we lived in a two bedroom house where I shared a room with my brother Billy and sister Jennifer. There was room for anything with a bunk bed and baby bed to fill the room as well as dressers, then about 16 months later mom popped out Manda and the poor thing had to sleep in a bassinet in the living room. Needless to say we got lucky and
didn't stay in that 2 bedroom house but 2 weeks after she was born. As a child I had
alot of
responsibility helping to raise them. I acted like their mother and I know it drove them crazy
lol. I never really got close to them as kids and I regretted that for a long time but I also was a kid taking care of kids. I love those girls to death now and would do anything for them. Its funny because we are all three so very different, me
I'm loud and most of the time out spoken, Jennifer is
alot like me more than Manda is. Jennifer is very outspoken and more quite then
Iam but she makes her point be known, Manda she is soft spoken and wont really say how she feels as I think shes afraid to hurt peoples feelings. GOD somehow put the three of us together and we may argue and disagree with each other but we LOVE each other dearly and would what we could for the other. I know the "girls" (
that's what I always called them
lol) think I probably still try to be there mother but I really
don't I just try to be there for them like a sister should be. See we were
unfortunate in 2008, our mom passed away from cancer and it took a toll on the whole family. I remember being selfish thinking why my mom?
I'm only 28 I
shouldn't be without a mom, but then you sit and think what about the "girls" they are so young and still have so much to accomplish in life. Jennifer had just started college, I was in college trying to get my nursing degree and Manda was still in high school. Mom never got to see her graduate high school as she did the rest of us, mom wont see them succeed in life, get married and have babies as she did with me. Its sad because they deserve to have their mother their for them just like I did.
That's when I feel like as the older sister I want to step in and be there for them like my mom would have been. Yes I can be over protective and
judgemental towards them but I love those "girls" and only want the best for them both. They are both really great "girls" and have
separate goals that they both want to reach and I want to be there all the way cheering them on!! So to my sister.... I love you both
soo much and you both will ALWAYS
hold a special place in my heart forever and always. I know I
wasn't the best sister in the world growing up and I cant take back things
that have
happened but I will ALWAYS be there no matter what for you both!!! I wanted to dedicate this blog to them because they both beautiful and special to me in their own ways!!! I love you "GIRLS" and
I'm proud to call you both my sisters!!!
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