Monday, October 25, 2010
Lovin the fall!!!
So this weekend I had the kiddos and let me tell you we had a great weekend together. Friday Kaylan had stayed at one of her friends house so that gave me and Bradley time alone together to spend as mother and son and we had a good time!! We went to wal-mart which he loves!!! He cracks me up because all he want to buy is smell good mens stuff (thats what he calls it) Hes so into wanting to smell like a man and I cant help but laugh because I dont know where all this is coming from, but I give in because lets face it he wants to smell like a man. Oh how I love that boy!!! I also had a good friend come over and stay her name is Brittany, she used to live with me but has since moved and works all the time so she stayed the night which was nice because we got to catch up on all kinds of things that we had been missing out on. Saturday was a fun filled day all day.... So Im dating this guy and have off and on and hes a wonderful man. He loves my kids and treats them like they are his and I love sitting back and watching him and the kids interact with each other its awesome. Me and Par ( real name Charles but I call him Par) have dated for a while and I had moved in with him and well going through a divorce and living with another man deff puts a strain on a new relationship so I moved out and live with just me and the kids and its helped us so much. Well this weekend Pars family had their annual chili supper and lets just say it was a night I wont soon forget. We got their at 4pm and their were so many kids there that my kids went to school with so they of course ran around and played all night and had a blast, lol I think all they really did was play hide and seek the entire time. The chili was cooked in a hugh pot outside with a fire underneath and I do believe that was the biggest pot of chili I have ever seen and man was it good!! Friends and family all together just relaxing and having a good time and thats what its really all about in the end is just being able to get together and enjoy spending time together and thats exactly what we did!! We ended back at home around 12:30 that night so the kids were wore out from all the running they had done!! Sunday was just as awesome we made cupcakes for halloween and they tasted so good. I have some pics to post but I couldnt hardley get Bradley to smile but he enjoyed cracking eggs and Kaylan loved making a mess with her mommy. We also craved a pumpkin well Par and Kaylan did and Kaylan named him man gaga lol I will have to take a pic of that and post it!! I didnt get any pics of Kaylan whick bums me out because she was the one taking all the pics but that is a memory we all will never forget!! I loved my weekend with my babies and I know they loved it too!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Just a few things I love!!!
Today I decided that I would post a few things that I love... I dont have any pics on here right now of my family but they know I love them dearly!!!
Books... lately all I seem to be doing is reading. I have really gotten into the Janet Evanovich series.. One for the money and two for the dough. They will crack you up!! There are soo many books in this series that it will take me a long time to read them all. Im only on the secomd one but I have the third one on standby for when Im finished!!
Of course startbucks is a MUST!! I love the white chocolate Mocha!! So rich and creamy and well a girls gotta have her starbucks any chance she can get right???
AHHH Must I say anything??? I love me some Greys.... or at least I think Im in love with this man!! Its nice to curl up on the couch every thursdsay and watch greys and its nice when you can watch a show with some really good looking men!!
Thats right I LOVE my job!!! Without this job I couldnt support my family and provide all the needed things for my kids!! And lets face it we need to breath right and live well!!! So thank you FAA for allowing me to be apart of such a close family!! Special thanks to Kelly Carriss because without you I wouldnt have this Job!!
Candles.... I love the smell of candles in the fall and winter time more then any other time of the year!! I love the smell of cinnimon candles the best, it reminds me of christmas time more then anything else. Lights out, nice warm cozy blanket with some candles lite is sooo relaxing!!
Fall wheather and leaves. Just look around isnt it beautiful??? I love driving down my road to my house where it looks like Im in the woods while I drive and looking out at all the beautiful leaves that have fallen and all the leaves that have changed colors is BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the FALL!!
Yummy yum yum.... I love me some donuts!!! I have a hugh sweet tooth and a nice fresh donut all most always hits the spot!!!
Victorias secert.... Tell me a girl that doesnt love them some victorias secert??? From bras and underware to tee shirts and sweats, they have it all!! I love their sweats with the matching jackets!! And who can pass up the 5 for 25 on underware?? I love that store!!!
Thats just a few things that I love!!! What is it that you love???
Friday, October 15, 2010
Finally friday!!!
TGIF!! So glad its friday, this week has dragged on long enough wouldnt you agree??? Im hoping to get plenty of rest in this weekend. I have had my kiddos this week and this weekend they are going to their dads. Im hoping to go visit my aunt Vanessa saturday I havent seen her her a long time and Im hoping for a good homecooked meal from her. lol
Also today we need to keep Emily in our prayers as she faces a stem cell transplant tomorrow. The girl has been through alot and she deserves to get through this and over her cancer battle. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Happy friday all and lets all try to make some good memories this weekend, I know I will!! :)
Also today we need to keep Emily in our prayers as she faces a stem cell transplant tomorrow. The girl has been through alot and she deserves to get through this and over her cancer battle. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Happy friday all and lets all try to make some good memories this weekend, I know I will!! :)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
What GOD will ask us
Sometimes we all get caught up in materialist things & how the world perceives us...but what we should be getting caught up in is what God wants for us and our lives.
1. God won't ask what kind of car you drove.
He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.
2. God won't ask the square footage of your house.
He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
3. God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet.
He'll ask how many you helped clothe.
4. God won't ask what you highest salary was.
He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.
5. God won't ask what your job title was.
He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
6. God won't ask how many friends you had.
He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
7. God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived .
He'll ask how you treated your neighbor.
8. God won't ask about the color of your skin.
He'll ask about the content of your character.
9. God won't ask why it took you so long to seek salvation.
He'll lovingly take you to your mansion in Heaven.
Enough said...
1. God won't ask what kind of car you drove.
He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.
2. God won't ask the square footage of your house.
He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
3. God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet.
He'll ask how many you helped clothe.
4. God won't ask what you highest salary was.
He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.
5. God won't ask what your job title was.
He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
6. God won't ask how many friends you had.
He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
7. God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived .
He'll ask how you treated your neighbor.
8. God won't ask about the color of your skin.
He'll ask about the content of your character.
9. God won't ask why it took you so long to seek salvation.
He'll lovingly take you to your mansion in Heaven.
Enough said...
Emilys cancer
Ok so I always check out other peoples blogs and today I found a blog that truely touched me. Check out emilyscancerblog.blogspot.com. Its a sixteen year old girl dealing with cancer and her story is amazing. I sat and read all her blogs and let me say she has some anazing faith in GOD by what has happended to her. She has an up beat attitude and does her best to stay positive. I have delt with losing my mother and grandmother both to cancer and even though I know how it felt to lose them both I couldnt imagine dealing with the things that Emily is dealing with. She a strong girl that should be out being a normal teenager not fighting for her life. So please go read her story and let her inspire you like she has me. Happy wednesday all!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
What a weekend, had the kiddos this weekend and finally moved all my stuff out of the house I was living at. Did get a washer and dyer that a friend had sitting in their basement so I was excited about that. Its funny when you had all that basic stuff before and when you are going through a divorce sometimes you lose the basics and dont realize until you no longer have clean underware lol. All I need to look for now is a small kitchen table with some chairs and I will be set. Me and the kids unpacked and put our little house together and are making it a home. I love how my kids can brighten my day and put a smile on my face when there are times I just dont feel like smiling. My daughter cracks me up I never realized how much she knows and really alot is there that she shouldnt know. My son has gotten really clingy with me lately and wants to snuggle all the time and just tell me how much he loves me like he thinks I will forget. I love it that together the three of us are strong. So with all the moving and unpacking and cleaning I am wore out and havent slept much at all and it is taking a toll on me. Im hoping things will become normal again or at least a new normal for me and the kids and Im sure they will soon. Divorce is never easy on anyone but together we can get through this a make us a new life and be happy!!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
EWWWW Centipede....
Ok so last night I was sound asleep and really relaxed at 2am this morning when all of a sudden I thought I felt something crawling on my arm!! I brushed it off and then felt it again, I jumped out of bed and turned on my light to see something run under my pillow!! I grabbed my pillow and this is what I saw... this nasty centipede!! It actually bit my arm and 10 mins later my arm was on FIRE!!! I was freaking out not knowing what can happen when one of things attacks so I hurry up and get on the internet and well they are nasty!! They can cause headaches,nausea,vomiting and diarrhea!! My arm broke out with a rash and bite marks from this nasty little creature. aparently they like to come in your house and attack while you sleep!! So beware of the centipede!! But have no fear the one that bit me well that was the bit that sucker will ever have!! Now I just hope I can sleep in my bed again without freaking out that another one is out there waiting to get me!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
So what if I.....
Like to lay in bed and read a book to take my mind off things.
Like warm hot brownies with ice cream topped with whipped cream and hot fudge.
Dont answer your call everytime my phone rings that means Im busy.
Love to sing in the shower.
Love to dance and act silly with my kids.
Hate working late on wednesdays!!
Be alone from time to time to just be by myself.
I still hang out with a guy that you dont approve of, cause remember you dodnt want to be with me.
Love my mcdonalds sweet tea every morning.
I love my kids more than life its self.
have bad habits like biting my nails.
Love sitting outside at night and just relax.
My life is a little crazy at the moment.
Treat my 7yr old son like hes still my little baby.
Love to curl up in bed and take long naps on the weekends.
Love to watch the bad girls club.
Struggle everyday to get by while I go through a divorce.
I have the best friends that a girl could ask for.
Say how I feel and dont hold back.
What are your so whats for wednesday????
Like to lay in bed and read a book to take my mind off things.
Like warm hot brownies with ice cream topped with whipped cream and hot fudge.
Dont answer your call everytime my phone rings that means Im busy.
Love to sing in the shower.
Love to dance and act silly with my kids.
Hate working late on wednesdays!!
Be alone from time to time to just be by myself.
I still hang out with a guy that you dont approve of, cause remember you dodnt want to be with me.
Love my mcdonalds sweet tea every morning.
I love my kids more than life its self.
have bad habits like biting my nails.
Love sitting outside at night and just relax.
My life is a little crazy at the moment.
Treat my 7yr old son like hes still my little baby.
Love to curl up in bed and take long naps on the weekends.
Love to watch the bad girls club.
Struggle everyday to get by while I go through a divorce.
I have the best friends that a girl could ask for.
Say how I feel and dont hold back.
What are your so whats for wednesday????
Monday, October 4, 2010
Weekend Recap...
This weekend we attended the spencer county homecoming!! The kids enjoyed the parade and all the fun things they had downtown to do. Music,Food and lots of people. The kids ran into some of their old friends they hadnt seen in a long time and got to watch the parade with them and their dad. It was a nice day. Pretty weather and not much to complain about. They racked up on all that sugar that we parents dont like but hey they had a blast!! After the parade they went back with their daddy and I headed home for a much needed nap. Oh how I enjoy saturday naps!! Woke up and a friend invited over me to go to one of his friends for dinner which was nice because I hadnt had a steak in a long time and it was awesome!!! Didnt do too much yesterday but I did go back over to my friends and I made him and I a crockpot full of white chile!!! It was awesomeand it was my first time making it so GO ME!!! I also made brownies and we had ice cream, brownie,whipped cream and carmel syrup and let me tell you I loved it!!! The weekends go by way tooo fast but I cherisevery weekend that I can when I get to spend time with my kiddos!!! Happy monday all!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Oct 1,2010 Its FRIDAY!!
It is finally friday and and I am sooo ready to get this weekend started!! I have been sick with a cold that has bothered my lungs so bad. I want to rest this weekend and get plenty of sleep!! Saturday we are having a homecoming pararde in Taylorsville and the kids love going to the parade. Its not my weekend with the kids but we are working on taking them down there. Put all our problems aside and enjoy some time with the kiddos!! They deserve it!! Other than that its rest and get to feeling better weekend!! Cant be sick and down when your a nurse that has patients to take care of!! I love my job and I love the fact that its M-F!! I do miss residents in a nursing home home but I dont miss the work there or the weekend shifts!! Being a nurse is a rewarding job and I am so thankful that GOD has givin me this chance to hep change and improve other peoples lives even when mine own life seems hectic!! Happy friday all and enjoy your weekend!!!
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