How Far Along: 20 weeks so I am half way there!! Whoo hoo
Size of baby: Mango 6.5 in and weighs in at about 10 oz!! SO a little over half a pound :)
Total Weight Gain: I have gained 12 pounds
Maternity Clothes: nothing really fits that great so its usually comfy clothes after work and on the weekends, with work I wear scrub pants and plain tees that are form fitting and they feel nice I love them!! Thanks target :)
Gender: BOY!! Baby Tyler
Movement: I feel him move not strong hard kicks but more like a gliding feeling, I do know baby Tyler likes to stay on my bladder all the time! I guess its his comfy spot but deff not mine as I run to the bathroom 500 times a day.
Sleep: SLEEP I love sleep, get a little uncomfortable at times but still love my sleep
What I miss: Not missing much except I miss not waking up during the middle of the night to have to go pee.
Cravings: ha ha Icecream and pretty much the see food diet... If I see it I eat it!! I crave pizza and spicy food, still lovin me some ice cream though!!
Symptoms: Nausea is pretty much gone, I have a lot of round ligament pain and pressure real low but thats because baby Tyler loves to hang out there, feet kill me by the end of the work day I go home with swollen feet!
What I’m looking forward to: I am sooo looking forward to holding baby Tyler in my arms and kissing his sweet face and just holding him!! I love this boy so much and havent even met him yet!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
I am loving that this weekend on friday we went to southeast christian church to see the easter pagent and that Par loved it!! I have a hard time getting him to do anything that involves a church so for him to go to this it was AWESOME!! It was a pretty good pagent but was actually better in years past, but the message was still great all the same!! So it was def worth it!!
Saturday we took his truck to get alarm and auto start put in but they had to order a part so we will be going back next weekend, we came home and the fire tones went off there was a field fire that was a pretty good one from what I hear and it must have been because he was gone for several hours and it always makes me a nervous wreck that something will happen to him but he came home safe which made me feel blessed. I hate worrying about him when he is out there on fire runs because no matter how much experience you have something can always go wrong. I am proud of him for the caring and committment that he has for the department and it shows all over our walls in the house with awards and plaques that he has recieved throughout the past 12 years that he has served on the department. If we have a boy I hope one day he will want to follow in his daddys foot steps and help the community like his daddy does.
We also had a birthday party to go to for his twin nieces that turned four and those girls had a blast!!! They love their and shoes and of course baby dolls!!
I am also loving my best friend Kelly for taking this pic of me and par, It actually turned out cute and we are going to have it blown up and turned into black and white and hang it above our bed!!
Saturday we took his truck to get alarm and auto start put in but they had to order a part so we will be going back next weekend, we came home and the fire tones went off there was a field fire that was a pretty good one from what I hear and it must have been because he was gone for several hours and it always makes me a nervous wreck that something will happen to him but he came home safe which made me feel blessed. I hate worrying about him when he is out there on fire runs because no matter how much experience you have something can always go wrong. I am proud of him for the caring and committment that he has for the department and it shows all over our walls in the house with awards and plaques that he has recieved throughout the past 12 years that he has served on the department. If we have a boy I hope one day he will want to follow in his daddys foot steps and help the community like his daddy does.
We also had a birthday party to go to for his twin nieces that turned four and those girls had a blast!!! They love their and shoes and of course baby dolls!!
I am also loving my best friend Kelly for taking this pic of me and par, It actually turned out cute and we are going to have it blown up and turned into black and white and hang it above our bed!!
We love it and are excited to welcome this little blessing in october!! We still dont know what the gender of the baby is and we cant wait till we have our ultrasound!!!
remember people GOD is great and does AMAZING things for all of us each and everyday!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Im BAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
YEA finally have my internet back on and I am loving it!! Oh how I have missed my blogging and blogging friends!! Alot has been going on and we have busy!! I am now 13 weeks pregnant and feel as big as a house lol!! But we are blessed and very excited and I wouldnt change any of it for nothing!! The morning sickness is starting to fade a little but not completly gone. Next dr appt is april 6th!! We did finally decide on names so for a girl its Chloe Rae Partin and if its a boy its Tyler Marvin Partin!! Both middle names are after our granpas that have recently passed away plue rae is my middle name!!!
I also wanna give a shout out to Kelly at just the two of us its her 27th birthday!! So happy bday I love you and if you dont read her blog your missing out!! Shes a real down to earth chick!!!
Thats about it for now but I will be back tomorrow with more!!! YEA so excited to be back!!!
I also wanna give a shout out to Kelly at just the two of us its her 27th birthday!! So happy bday I love you and if you dont read her blog your missing out!! Shes a real down to earth chick!!!
Thats about it for now but I will be back tomorrow with more!!! YEA so excited to be back!!!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
How Far Along: 10 weeks!!
Size of baby: 1.2 in. size of a prune, baby weighs .14oz
Total Weight Gain: I have gained 4 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I have one pair of maturnity jeans that I love but mostly I am still able to wear my reguler clothes!! Which is really just work scrubs and sweats when I get home
Gender: unknown
Movement: I feel a little something here and there but unsure yet if its the baby
Sleep: SLEEP I love sleep, pretty much now when I crawl into the bed Im knocked out!!
What I miss: Not missing much except I miss not waking up during the middle of the night to have to go pee.
Cravings: ha ha Icecream and pretty much the see food diet... If I see it I eat it!! Buger king whooper I love
Symptoms: some nausea believe its almost gone!! headaches and just tired. oh yeah and the moodyness
What I’m looking forward to: my next appt april 6 and then one more appt after that then its ultrasound time!!!
Size of baby: 1.2 in. size of a prune, baby weighs .14oz
Total Weight Gain: I have gained 4 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I have one pair of maturnity jeans that I love but mostly I am still able to wear my reguler clothes!! Which is really just work scrubs and sweats when I get home
Gender: unknown
Movement: I feel a little something here and there but unsure yet if its the baby
Sleep: SLEEP I love sleep, pretty much now when I crawl into the bed Im knocked out!!
What I miss: Not missing much except I miss not waking up during the middle of the night to have to go pee.
Cravings: ha ha Icecream and pretty much the see food diet... If I see it I eat it!! Buger king whooper I love
Symptoms: some nausea believe its almost gone!! headaches and just tired. oh yeah and the moodyness
What I’m looking forward to: my next appt april 6 and then one more appt after that then its ultrasound time!!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Oh how fast the last two weeks have flown by!! On saturday Jan 22, 2011 I had went to pick up one of Pars friends that wanted to come over and hang out and on my way over thereI began to feel prettty crappy. I eneded up getting sick on the side of his friends house lol. I ended up laying around most of the time at the house just not feeling well and his friend kept telling me I was pregnant and finally after a while and getting tired of hearing about me being pregnant I told par and his friend to go get a pregnancy test and I would take it to shut his friend up so he would leave me alone about being pregnant. So I grab the damn test and march off to the bathroom and tell myself you can do this just pee on the stick on that little plus sign will NOT appear. So I pee whatever and I walk out of the bathroom and the BF goes in and picks it up and has this huge smile on his face and he starts laughing and Im like this isnt funny what are you laughing about and he turns to me with this smile and says "BABY YOUR PREGNANT!!"!!! I was soooo not believing it that they went to the store and bought 3 more test for me to take again and yep all 3 of those came out POSITIVE!!
Excited, scared, worried yes to all three!! See I have two kids already, Kaylan will be 13 and Bradley will be 8 and then add a new born later on this year!! Whew thats alot to take in!!
All in all we are all excited and just pray to GOD that we have a healthy baby!!
Excited, scared, worried yes to all three!! See I have two kids already, Kaylan will be 13 and Bradley will be 8 and then add a new born later on this year!! Whew thats alot to take in!!
All in all we are all excited and just pray to GOD that we have a healthy baby!!
Friday, January 21, 2011
What Im getting ready for......
I have some big plans coming up soon for my daughter!!! She is turning the BIG 13.....AHHHHHH yeah I know here we go with the attitude and the fact that as her mother I will no longer know everything in her eyes. So with the help of my best friend Kelly Carriss we are planning her a birthday party that will be hot pink and zebra!! Kaylan thinks she is such a diva so this theme is perfect for her!! Here are a few things me and the BFF are working on.....
This is her cake I ordered but it is a little different. The bottom layer will be white with zebra stripes with a pink bow, the second layer will be pink with zebra stripes and a black bow with her name on it. The top will have a different 13 on it and the stars will be pink, black, and white!!! Flavors are: bottom vanilla and top strawberry!!! I cant wait for her to see it!!!
We will be having similar candy jars like this one filled with pink candy and the ribbon will be pink and zebra!! Such a cute idea!!! A little candy shop!!
The BFF has made her some hair bows that look AWESOME!! Kaylan will LOVE these!!!
We have sooo much left to do but thats ok because in the end it will soooo be worth it!!! To see the joy and look on my daughters face will be enough for me!!
I couldnt possibly do all this without the help from Kelly, she is soo crafty that when she plans something she goes all out and makes it special for everyone!!
So now I leave you with some daughter quotes:
A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart. .
Daughters are like flowers, they fill the world with beauty, and sometimes attract pests. .
A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future. .
Every mother hopes that her daughter will marry a better man than she did, and is convinced that her son will never find a wife as good as his father did..
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Random tuesday
Cant quit thinking about this birthday party that I have coming up for my daughter that will be turing 13. Thank GOD I have a best friend that loves to plan and decorate these things, she has some really good ideas since the soon to be teen wants zebra hot pink and diva kinda party.
made it to work slid off the road twice but hey I made it, its funny the area I had to come to work in is a more uppty class type of area so you would think they would clear the roads better, guess not. So since Im here people need to pour in to get their shots!!
I have decided to let the past be the past and move on. Yes I have my doubts but I have no choice so heres to letting go and never turning back!!
I think I need to get a second job just to pay the damn bills, being a single parent is hard work but I love my babies so I will continue to push on and provide the best I can.
I sooo wish I was at home still in the bed snuggled up underneath the blankets and sleeping.
I hate gas prices I guess I need to invest in buying a bike so I can peddle to work verses going broke because of gas.
mcdonalds sweet tea still lovin it and craving it.
need to call the dr and make an appt to see about this tumor in my uterus, ugggg so dont wanna do this and cant afford to be off work.
Kids are out of school oh how I would love to be with them, hot chocalate and sledding sound so much better then sitting here.
cant wait to get my taxes so I can build up the bank account a little bit.
Theses hot and spicy chips Im eating are putting my mouth on fire, AHHHHH
Nothing exciting really has been going on lately so I really dont have alot to say except:
made it to work slid off the road twice but hey I made it, its funny the area I had to come to work in is a more uppty class type of area so you would think they would clear the roads better, guess not. So since Im here people need to pour in to get their shots!!
I have decided to let the past be the past and move on. Yes I have my doubts but I have no choice so heres to letting go and never turning back!!
I think I need to get a second job just to pay the damn bills, being a single parent is hard work but I love my babies so I will continue to push on and provide the best I can.
I sooo wish I was at home still in the bed snuggled up underneath the blankets and sleeping.
I hate gas prices I guess I need to invest in buying a bike so I can peddle to work verses going broke because of gas.
mcdonalds sweet tea still lovin it and craving it.
need to call the dr and make an appt to see about this tumor in my uterus, ugggg so dont wanna do this and cant afford to be off work.
Kids are out of school oh how I would love to be with them, hot chocalate and sledding sound so much better then sitting here.
cant wait to get my taxes so I can build up the bank account a little bit.
Theses hot and spicy chips Im eating are putting my mouth on fire, AHHHHH
Nothing exciting really has been going on lately so I really dont have alot to say except:
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